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Sören Auer, Sebastian Schaffert, & Tassilo Pellegrini (Eds.). (2008). Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Semantic Systems. Journal of Universal Computer Science.
Tassilo Pellegrini. (2007). Co-Production on the Web. Social Software as a Means of Collaborative Value Creation in Web-based Infrastructures. International Review on Information Ethics, 7, 1–6.
Anna Zhdanova, Livia Predoiu, Tassilo Pellegrini, & Dieter Fensel. (2007). A Social Networking Model of a Web Community. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Social Communication. 10th International Symposium on Social Communication, Santiago de Cuba.
Tassilo Pellegrini. (2007). A Theory of Co-Production for User-Generated Content. Integrating the User into the Content Value Chain. Proceedings of I-Media 2007. International Conference on New Media Technology, 415.